Buying Guide

Undersole SOS1


Noene Undersole SOS1 insole


MultiSole NO2


Noene Multisole NO2 insole


Red Sole NO2+


NOENE Red Sole NO2+ insole



The thinnest insoles on the market, UNDERSOLE SOS1 was designed for athletes, runners, or those who wear minimalist athletic shoes (i.e. cleats).

A combination of cushioning and joint protection, MULTISOLE NO2 is our most versatile insole. Suitable for everyday activities including work, leisure, and athletics; also recommended for those who live an active lifestyle.

The most comfortable NOENE® insole, RED SOLE NO2+ was designed for athletes, those who stand on their feet all day, seniors who want to stay active.

Joint Protection & Shock Absorption

Undersole SOS1 good for Joint Protection & Shock Absorption
Multisole NO2 good for Joint Protection & Shock Absorption
Red Sole NO2+ good for Joint Protection & Shock Absorption


Undersole SOS1 no cushion
Multisole NO2 has Cushion
Red Sole NO2+ provides cushion


Undersole SOS1 minimal to no comfort, designed for athletes & runners.
Multisole NO2 comfort for everyday activities
Red Sole NO2+ designed for comfort

Worn With Other Insoles Or Orthotics?

Yes (slips under existing sole)

Yes (slips under or on top of existing insole or orthotic)

No (replaces existing insole)

Daily Activities (Work, Leisure, Or Athletic Training)

Undersole SOS1 good for Athletic Training
Multisole NO2 designed for Daily Activities
Red Sole NO2+ designed for all Daily Activities


1 mm

2 mm

6 mm


Lightweight (.45 oz)

Lightweight (.88 oz)

Midweight (up to 1.5 oz (depending on size)

insole type

Cut to Fit

Cut to Fit

Replacement (Trimmable)


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